Special Announcement: Oh baby, It's now a party of Cinco!

Photo: Olivia Richards Photography

Photo: Olivia Richards Photography

This blog post is kinda different from our usual ones but I feel like this is a very exciting thing to share. As my loyal customers, I treat all of you guys as lifelong friends because this is a family-oriented business and you guys are a part of our lives as well.

I would like to announce that I am pregnant with my third child! It is such a joyful news for all of us as we are now a party of five!

Photo: Spectrum Photography

Photo: Spectrum Photography

Throwback to Christmas 2016 when my youngest Luca was still so small! Now my Eldest daughter and my son will have another sibling and all of us are super excited!

Photo: Olivia Richards

Photo: Olivia Richards

As much as I am very happy about this cute angel inside me, I’m a tad nervous about how everything will turn out when it comes to my business. Right now I’m doing a great job with this work, family, and pregnancy balance.. and so far so good! I realized that my passion for business, textiles, and my wonderful ribbons are so big that everything comes easy when it comes to balancing it with other aspects of my life.

Photo: Olivia Richards Photography

Photo: Olivia Richards Photography

I’m really looking forward to this wonderful pregnancy and the continuous growth of my business. With the right team, the loving support from my friends and family, and all your continuous patronage of our products, this will be an amazing journey.

Hope you all keep supporting us and thank you for being a part of our lives by being with us in every milestone.

Here’s to growth and happiness!




Spectrum Photography

Olivia Richards Photography